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Young Interpreters

At Beechwood we have a very diverse community which includes approximately 27 different languages.

To help our new EAL families to settle into the school, we run the Young Interpreter Scheme.

Two children from each class in Key Stage Two have been selected to be part of this group. The Young Interpreters meet  fortnightly with Mrs Ryder (our EAL Lead)  to learn activities and come up with ideas in order to make it easier for new pupils to transition into the school.

The Young Interpreters roles includes:

  • Buddying up with new EAL children;
  • Supporting new families when they come to have a look around the school;
  • Assisting teachers in a class if a child who has EAL is upset and language is a barrier
  • Befriending EAL children in Nursery/Reception at break or lunchtime.