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You Said: We Did

Parent Voice is extremely important to the staff at Beechwood.

We value you sharing your ideas and suggestions with us.

Here are some of the points that have been mentioned in the most recent parent questionnaire (June 2024) and the actions that we have taken.

There should be more clubs and the entire year booking is not helpful.

 We will take on board the booking system and rotate the children each half term. However, staff at school run the clubs in their own time (unpaid) so we can only run the number clubs that staff volunteer for.  

There should be more book-based homework in Year 4.

This year, Year 4 pupils will have written maths and SPAG pages to complete each week as part of their homework.  If you child is in Years 4, 5 or 6 and requires support with their homework, please make use of Study Support each Monday after school. 

There needs to be more posts and pictures on Class Dojo so that all classes are equally represented.

The minimum expectation for all classes is one post and one photograph per day.  If you are finding that this is not happening in your child's class, please let me know. 

Provide instrument lessons.

All Year 4 pupils have the opportunity to learn how to play the trumpet and trombone. They can continue this tuition in Years 5 and 6.

Further work on understanding racism.

We have booked workshops with 'Red Card to Racism' for pupils in Years 3, 4, 5, and 6. All staff will also have training.

It would be nice if parents could attend assemblies.

Each term, we will invite parents to attend the VIP assemblies where pupils will be awarded for going above and beyond in different areas of the curriculum.

Celebrate the staff more.

The staff get lots of praise and treats from Mrs Harper in the staffroom. We also have a staff shout out board where we can celebrate successes.  If parents ever want to send me messages, I will happily share these too on our celebration wall in the staffroom. 

Provide meditation for pupils.

We will look into maybe having this as an Enhanced Curriculum group on a  Wednesday afternoon. Watch this space. 

Extend the summer break to start in June.

Whilst we would love to break up in June, we have a duty to provide 190 days of education to your children each year. If we broke up in June, we would not be able to have any time off at Christmas, Easter or the half terms and I think the children (and teachers would be very tired.