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British Values

SMSC & British Values

At Beechwood Primary School and Nursery we are committed to serving our multi-cultural, ever-changing community.  We also understand the vital role it has in ensuring that groups or individuals within the school are not subjected to intimidation or radicalisation.

We follow equal opportunities guidance which guarantees that there will be no discrimination against any individual or group, regardless of faith, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, political or financial status. Our school is dedicated to preparing pupils for their adult life and ensure that we promote and reinforce British values to all.

The key British Values are:


The Rule of Law

Individual Liberty

Mutual Respect

Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

Our school uses strategies within the curriculum and beyond, to secure such outcomes for students. The examples that follow show some of the many ways that Beechwood seeks to instil British Values.

1. Democracy

Examples of how we promote Democracy at Beechwood:

  • An active and engaged group of Future Leaders are involved in the decision-making process with regards to policies, the behaviour system and the appointment process of new staff.

  • A Fundraising Team, the 'Charity Reps', select the local, national and global charities that we support each year,  They plan and organise fundraising events.

  • The Safeguarding Council make suggestions and choices related to this area.

  • Regular dialogue with our pupils ensures their viewpoint is sought as we further plan to move our school forwards.

  • Annual pupil and parental questionnaires provide valuable information about perceptions of the strengths of our school and areas for improvement.

  • A newly formed Parent Forum is used to gauge parental opinion, e.g. regarding enhanced curriculum  provision, homework etc.

  • Governors have a strong involvement in leadership decisions made.

  • Democracy is taught through the curriculum. Pupil voice has an influence upon much that goes on or is decided, within our school.

  • Half-termly 'Share and Celebrate' sessions with pupils influence the direction of the school.

  • Pupils are given the opportunity to give their viewpoint throughout the curriculum daily; they are invited to listen to alternative viewpoints and accept/respect that there may be differences.

  • Year 6 Prefect Roles and Responsibilities

  • Year 6 Head Boy and Head Girl votes.

2. The Rule Of Law

Examples of how we promote The Rule of Law at Beechwood:

  • Strong behaviour system in place, which has been developed alongside the pupils, staff and parents.

  • Golden rules are established with pupils and referred to daily.

  • Strong relationship and regular contact with local PCSO including attendance at fundraising events, assemblies and curriculum links.

  • Home/School Agreement

3. Individual Liberty

Examples of how we promote Individual Liberty at Beechwood:

  • Strong behaviour policy based on rights and responsibilities.

  • Pupil encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning.

  • Anti-bullying policy.

  • Anti-racism policy.
  • Open and honest culture.

  • Open door policy for parents and carers to discuss worries or concerns.

  • Strong pastoral team to support friendship issues.

  • Child friendly Child Protection Policy – school can offer support and are dedicated to keeping pupils safe.

4. Mutual Respect

Examples of how we promote Mutual Respect at Beechwood:

  • Home/School Agreement.

  • Peer Marking – Pupils offer suggestions to each other, in a sensitive and constructive way to support moving their work forward.

  • Cross-class communication of achievements (classes of different ages are involved and part of other classes learning).

  • Homework projects shared between year groups - presentations where children can share their learning and homework with other classes and parents.

5. Tolerance of those of Different Faiths And Beliefs

Examples of how we promote Tolerance of those of Different Faiths and Beliefs at Beechwood:

  • Celebration and integration into the curriculum of other faiths and beliefs.

  • Culture Team.
  • Follow Cheshire Agreed Syllabus for R.E.

  • Visits to places of worship to further develop understanding of faiths and beliefs.

  • Specific events and assemblies held in school to celebrate other cultures.

  • Encouraged to share different cultures, faiths and beliefs within school such as comparisons of different religious festivals.

  • Leave for religious observance is granted.