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School Admissions

Admission Arrangements

We adopt the Cheshire East Admission Arrangements as set out via the School Admissions Code 2012 Section 1.47

Completing Your Application Form (taken from the Cheshire East website)

All applications for school places must be made in writing using the application form provided by the Local Authority. The Cheshire East application form is for completion by Cheshire East residents only as applications must be made on your 'home' local authority's form, ie: the authority where you live.

The online application form is the preferred method for Cheshire East residents.

If you would like to apply online, you must visit the website at www.cheshireeast.gov.uk. This is a quick and easy way to apply and you will be able to view your offer on the published offer date instead of waiting for your offer letter to be received in the post. If you do not have access to the internet, please contact Admissions on 0300 123 5012.

School Preferences

As required by law, Cheshire East Local Authority makes arrangements for its residents to express three school preferences ranked in order of priority and to provide reasons in support of each preference. Supporting documentation can also be provided.

PLEASE NOTE: Applications for admissions are normally considered in relation to the availability of places in your child's chronological age group, other than in exceptional circumstances.

When applications for school spaces are received, a place will be offered if there are sufficient places to meet demand. This is in accordance with an admission authority's statutory duty to comply with parental preference.

Closing date for transition to Year 7 = 31.10.2024

Closing date for entry to Reception = 15.01.2025

Decisions on Applications

If you live in Cheshire East a written confirmation (including email) of the decision on your application will be sent. This will include offers for places in Cheshire East schools and schools in other local authorities, as appropriate. You will also be notified if you are an applicant applying for Cheshire East school places from other countries. If you applied online you will be able to log on to your online account on the 3rd March 2025 (secondary) and 16th April 2025 (primary) to view the school offered. You will also be able to request to receive your offer by email.

Accepting or Declining Places Offered

Once an offer of a school place has been made you must accept or decline it by the published dates.

Cheshire East reserves the right to withdraw places not accepted by this date.

If you chose to decline the school place offered, it will be re-offered to the parent or carer of the next child on the school's waiting list. IT IS IMPORTANT YOU THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE DECLINING, PARTICULARLY IF THIS IS YOUR LOCAL SCHOOL. The reason for this is that if you decline pending the outcome of an appeal for your preferred school and your appeal is unsuccessful, the place originally offered may no longer be available and the nearest school with a vacancy might be much further away. Accepting a place at a school does not prejudice your legal right of appeal for a preferred school.

Some Frequently Asked Questions

How do I apply for a School place?

If you are applying for a Cheshire East school place, you will need to complete the application form provided by your home authority ie: the authority where you live. Application forms are available at the beginning of the process in September. If you are a Cheshire East resident you can apply online at www.cheshireeast.gov.uk. This facility will be available until the published closing date for applications.

What are the benefits of applying online?

Applying online is quicker and easier and you can complete and submit your application from home and request to receive an email acknowledgment. There is no risk of the application being lost in the post and you can apply right up until the closing date for applications. Many parents and carers who have previously applied online found that a significant benefit in applying online is that they receive their offer of a school place by email or by logging onto their online account on the published offer date, rather than waiting for a letter to be received in the post.

Is my child automatically entitled to a place at the school serving our catchment area?

No. Most schools are served by a geographical area called the catchment area from which the school generally admits pupils. Whilst a level of priority may be given within the oversubscription for children resident in a school's designated catchment area, the law will not allow places to be guaranteed or reserved. This could mean that an application for a catchment area school is unsuccessful if the school is oversubscribed with children in this criterion.

What if I need some advice or assistance with my application?

You can either contact Admissions on 0300 123 5012 to speak to an advisor, or you can email your query or write in to request further information or advice.