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Religious Education


The intent of the R.E. curriculum at Beechwood Primary School is to ensure children will gain knowledge and understanding of a range of religions. Our curriculum gives space for personal reflection, time to explore Christianity and other principal religions and worldviews, and investigate how these religions affect the fabric of personal and social life. The children will develop an understanding of the beliefs, values and traditions experienced in different cultures and develop an informed, positive attitude towards a diverse society.


We deliver the Cheshire East R.E. agreed syllabus and is taught  through discreet lessons and themed days. Where possible, the children are taken out into the community to speak and listen to different people or the school welcomes people of different faiths and cultures  to allow the children to learn more through experiences and asking questions.

Alongside lessons, the children take part in collective worship on a daily basis through whole-school and class assemblies incorporating Bible stories, reflection and celebration.

Why is it important to learn R.E.?

  • To helps us understand and appreciate the diverse religious beliefs and practices that exist in the world.
  • To develop a sense of respect and tolerances for others’ beliefs.
  • To reflect on our own values and develop our own moral compass.

What jobs will learning R.E. help with?

  • R.E. teacher
  • Community Development Worker
  • Chaplain
  • Religious Affair Correspondent
  • Policy Advisor

Long Term Overview