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Physical Education

At Beechwood we recognise that PE and the role it has to play in promoting long-term, healthy lifestyles.


The intent of the physical education curriculum spans a range of areas and can be grouped in the following ways: 

Physical Development 
  • Develop physical competence and confidence by acquiring and developing a range of fine and gross motor skills. 
  • Develop knowledge, skills and understanding, and the ability to remember, repeat and refine actions with increasing control and accuracy. 
  • Promote fitness and a healthy lifestyle by understanding the effects of exercise on the body and the importance of developing strength, endurance and flexibility. 
  • Appreciate the value of safe exercising. 

Social, Emotional, Moral & Cultural Development  

  • Develop a love of physical exercise. 
  • Develop the ability to work independently and communicate with others.
  • Develop confidence in their own skills and abilities. 
  • Promote an understanding of safe practice, and develop a sense of responsibility towards the safety of themselves and others. 
  • Create and plan games and teach them to one another. 
  • Develop a sense of fair play.  
  • Develop a positive attitude to themselves and others. 
  • Experience a range of differing activities and realise that physical activity does not have to be about winning a competition - doing your best is as important. 
  • Be able to encourage others and give praise for their achievements so that when children perform they do not fear failure. 
  • Treat the team, the opposition and referee with respect. 
  • Raise self-esteem through opportunities to celebrate sporting success. 

Cognitive Development  

  • Develop decision making and problem solving skills. 
  • Develop reasoning skills and the ability to make judgements. 
  • Develop an increasing ability to select, link and apply skills, tactics and compositional ideas. 
  • Develop the ability to communicate non-verbally with the body. 
  • Improve observational skills, the ability to describe and make simple judgements on their own and others’ work, and to use this knowledge and understanding to improve their own performance. 
  • Understand that using the correct technique will improve accuracy and individual performance. 
  • Be able to evaluate performance and act upon constructive criticism. 


At Beechwood, we use bespoke medium term plans to ensure a balanced, progressive Physical Education Curriculum.  This covers the statutory requirements for the Physical Education National Curriculum. Pupils in both Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 aim to engage in two hours of high-quality Physical Education during the course of each week and each class is timetabled so that they can access the hall for the duration of one hour per week.  

In Key Stage 1, the curriculum focuses on fundamental movement skills to develop agility, balance and coordination. Curriculum content includes ball skills and team games, gymnastic and dance activities. 
During Key Stage 2, pupils continue to apply and develop a range of skills and units of work include a range of invasion, net & wall, and fielding & striking games, gymnastics, dance, athletics and swimming. We also enrich children’s experiences through ‘Mission Possible’ and our weekly Enhanced Curriculum.  

Swimming is taught in Key Stage 2 by qualified swimming instructors at the local pool.

The school also offers a wide range of after school activities including:  football, netball, indoor and outdoor athletics, gymnastics, hockey, cricket, dodgeball, tennis, cheerleading and street dance. These are delivered by school staff and trained coaches.

School Sports Partnership (SSP): 

The school is a member of the Crewe and Nantwich School Sports Partnership (SSP) and as such has access to curricular support, competitive opportunities for pupils, opportunities to be inspired by sporting ambassadors, and training for staff via the partnership. 

Why do we learn PE at school?

  • To remain fit and healthy.
  • To build teamwork skills.
  • To gives an opportunity to be creative, cooperative and competitive.
  • To face up to diverse challenges, both as individuals and in groups.
  • To help reduce anxiety, tension and stress.
  • To teach about responsibilities.

Which jobs will learning PE help with?

  • Physiotherapist
  • Sports manager/coach
  • Sports scientist
  • Sports therapist
  • Choreographer/dancer
  • Nutritionist
Long Term Overview