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At Beechwood Primary School, we believe that our school should be an inclusive community where ALL aim high, achieve well and develop self-confidence, positive values and beliefs, a sense of community, well-being and caring attitudes towards others.


PSHE is central to this ethos and equips children with the knowledge, skills and strategies to live healthy, safe and responsible lives. Children are also taught about preparing for the world of work through learning about money and enterprise. We strongly believe that our curriculum prepares our children for the next stage of their learning and leave our school with the skills needed to participate as an active member of society.

As part of ‘Sex and Relationship’ education, children understand how to be part of a healthy relationship, staying safe, puberty and conception.


We plan and deliver sessions through the scheme ‘1 Decision’.

This includes units on:

  • Keeping and staying safe;
  • Being responsible; and
  • Learning to deal with feelings and emotions.

'No Outsiders', a story telling approach to relationship education, is used alongside the 1 Decision programme of study. All planned lessons are taught in a specific term but the order of lessons is dependent on the cohort and needs of the class at the time. Some areas will need to be revisited often to address issues whilst other lessons are taught and discussed once due to the nature of the cohort.