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At Beechwood, we believe that a high-quality modern languages education should ignite pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. Early teaching of a modern language has a positive impact on improving literacy, building self-confidence and widening cultural horizons. The teaching should enable pupils to express ideas and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing. There should be opportunities to listen, copy and respond to native speakers, as well as have access to engaging French literature.

Our MFL curriculum aims to develop linguists that have the self-confidence to communicate in French. We aim for our children to be able to understand written and spoken French from a variety of authentic sources and respond orally or in writing, with increasing confidence and an increasing amount of vocabulary and grammatical structures. It enables all children to develop a second language and experience French culture.

Our curriculum is closely linked to the National Curriculum 2014 and our school RESPECT values are woven throughout all of our learning.


In Key Stage 2, each class has a timetabled French lesson each week across the entire school year. The Progression Map and associated Scheme of Work ensure that lessons provide an appropriate balance of speaking, listening, reading and writing, and that lessons build on prior learning. To support staff, access is available to support from the Primary Languages Network.

The two underlying principles of the Scheme of Work are that:

Children should enjoy their early years of learning French gaining pleasure from accessing and understanding all elements of the curriculum.
Children should make real and measurable progress through fun and practical activities, challenging tasks and the desire to understand more as they listen to, speak and read French.

Why do we learn French at school?

  • To make new friends when you travel and understand what they are saying.
  • To help understand your own language, especially grammar.
  • To learn communication skills.
  • To increase self-confidence and oracy skills.
  • To learn about a different country, their culture and how people live.

Which jobs will learning French help with?

  • International business
  • Interpreter
  • Aeroplane steward and pilot
  • Holiday rep
  • Diplomatic services
  • Teacher
  • Bilingual assistant
  • Ski instructor
  • Any job in a French-speaking country
Long Term Overview