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Year 1 2024 - 2025

Welcome to Year One

Hello and welcome to our year group page. 

Our Year One classes are Holly and Maple.

Holly Class

The teacher in Holly Class is Miss Tomkinson.

She is supported by Miss Hodnett.

Maple Class

The teachers in Maple Class are Mrs Oakley and Mrs Brehaut.

They are supported by Mrs Basford.

Reading and Homework

Reading is such an important part of your child's development. It helps with many things including their vocabulary, writing, spelling and understanding of the world we live in.

Children in Year 1 are expected to read for at least 4 times a week and record this in their Reading Record. 

Maths homework is set fortnightly and dojo homework is set half-termly. These are optional, however, it is encouraged that your child completes these activities.

Reading diaries will be checked every Monday. Children who do not complete reading at home will be directed to reading catch-up after school on a Monday with Mrs Windel and Mrs Basford.

The children will continue to develop their phonics knowledge in preparation for the Phonics Screening assessment at the end of Year 1. 


Holly class has P.E. on Wednesday and Friday.

Maple class has P.E. on Thursday and Friday. 

Please make sure your child has their correct P.E. kit in school on these days.


We keep you up-to-date and communicate via Class Dojo. Keep an eye on our class story for information on what we have been learning as well as important reminders. If you have any queries or concerns about your child's learning then please do not hesitate to speak to us, either by phoning the school office or sending a private message on Class Dojo.

Keeping Safe

As a school, we take safeguarding very seriously. This includes online safety and we are very aware that many children enjoy playing on tablets, phones and even with Alexa!

Please help us to keep your children safe by clicking on the image below and keeping up to date with tips and ideas to keep children safe on the internet.

Think U Know


Please label all uniform including coats, P.E. kit, shoes, hats and jumpers. It is extremely difficult to locate lost uniform if it does not have a name on it. We will be labelling these items if they are not already labelled. 

10 top tips for reading with your child at home